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Topline Performance Solutions, Inc | Woburn, MA

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Sandler Training Boston |tps, Inc.

Visualization is only one part of the goal-setting process, but it’s a vitally important part. It makes a goal seem much more real and attainable and harnesses the extraordinary power of your subconscious mind.

Jack, a salesperson, was having some challenges. Feedback from multiple sources -- his own clients, prospects, customers, and colleagues -- suggested that his communication skills needed some work.

Launching a discussion about features usually leaves prospective buyers cold. Create and practice a statement that helps you engage with others about the desirable outcome you’ve delivered to other customers.

Not all prospects are qualified to see your presentation (or get your quote, see your demonstration, or entertain your proposal). There are particular criteria that a sales professional must make sure are present first.

A prospect must be truly qualified before they see your solution. Performing some "due diligence" to be sure you and your prospect are still on the same page will help you discover if you are ready to make a presentation.